
Una and L.Y. Janes, founders of Christian Triumph Company Church

It began with a DREAM and a CALL. The dream was to reach the lost and searching souls of multitudes of people in Latin America with the Gospel of Jesus Christ – which has the power to change lives. Then came a call from God to print messages of hope and truth, to send the messages around the world.

In 1910, L. Y. and Una Janes, newly wed, set out to Jamaica to work in the missions of the Church of God movement, headquartered in Anderson, Indiana. After planting congregations in Jamaica, the young couple headed to Panama.

One evening as L. Y. Janes was walking home after having delivered a sermon, he thought to himself, “Tonight 20 people heard that message. But if I were to print it up, hundreds could hear it.” So L. Y. Janes purchased his first hand-cranked press and began printing and distributing tracts in Latin America.

One year after the birth of their first daughter, Evelyn, the Janes decided to return to the United States for personal reasons. In Guthrie, Okla., they pastored a church and established their first publication. Yet L. Y. Janes felt God calling him to work in needier communities and specifically with Spanish-speakers.

In 1934, they relocated to Corpus Christi,Texas, and established Christian Triumph Company Church, a church with a printing ministry, which is even now fulfilling the mission of distributing Christian literature and Bibles to not only Spanish-speaking, but also Portuguese and English speakers in all of Latin America,
in Africa and in India.

Christian Triumph Church circa 1950Christian Triumph is also a beacon in its own neighborhood. Our Sunday school and Vacation Bible School have graduated many that went on to become pastors, missionaries, and several other local churches, including three Churches of God, have welled up out of the Christian Triumph Ministry.

In 1989, L. Y. Janes passed away at the grand old age of 102. He left  Christian Triumph in the hands of his family, daughters, and grand children, as well as trusted brothers in Christ he met throughout his life and ministry. The leadership of Christian Triumph partners with many long-time supporters of the work to send the Gospel of Christ to any who will receive it.

Meet our Staff

L. to R.: Vitalina, Israel and Elena Hernandez and Diana Belitic - the core of Christian Triumph's current staff.

Israel Hernandez is the president and pastor of Christian Triumph Company and Church. His wife Vitalina works in the office filling literature orders, and his daughter Diana is the office manager as well as the organization’s secretary. And Elena Hernandez, Israel’s sister, is the coordinator of the Bible Correspondence Course, as well as working in sending out literature. The Hernandez family has been a part of the Christian Triumph family for more than 30 years and their dedication and humility in this work is a true blessing.

L.Y. Janes family also remains deeply involved with the work, with his grandson William Anderson serving as VP, and great-granddaughters Donna Schillinger and Tamara Rose assisting in a variety of tasks, such as Internet presence, editing the Mensajero de Esperanza, and other special projects. Extended family member Nancy Hunter is the editor of the Faith Messenger. Additionally, grandchildren Una Collins and David Anderson remain active in leadership roles.

Fred Pena also serves as a director, and many others, including many from the local Corpus-based congregation play a large role in the day-to-day ministry of Christian Triumph, and on-site Bible institute and keeping up the grounds.

A special aknowledgment to Ralph Compton, who cares for his wife Edith Compton, and to Violet and George Coker, who care for Evelyn Anderson, both daugwho was involved since birth in the ministry of Christian Triumph.

CT's vice president, William Anderson, grandson of L.Y. and Una Janes, on a recent mission trip to Cajamarca, Peru, to attend the regional conference of the Church of God. Behind him slightly to the left is his daughter, Evelyn.